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Welcome to The V Revolution

If you’re ready to embrace open conversations about women’s intimate health and fuel yourself with knowledge, you’ve come to the right place.

Here at Balance Activ, we’re committed to boosting women’s confidence and comfort when it comes to their intimate health!

The V-Revolution is all about breaking down barriers and shining a light on intimate health with confidence and positivity. We’re creating a community where taboo topics are transformed into empowering discussions, free from shame or embarrassment.

Why have we started The V-Revolution?

Because we believe every woman deserves to feel confident about her vagina and have all the right knowledge about her body and the unique challenges it can bring.

Here is how we’re getting the ball rolling:

By speaking openly and honestly about intimate health across our platforms

Offering a wealth of educational resources and inspirational stories to normalise conversations around intimate health concerns.

Providing naturally working healthcare products designed to harmonise with your body, not harm.

Empowering you to self-evaluate and confidently take control of your vagina’s health.

How can you be a part of The V-Revolution?

Compassion Icon

Listen with Compassion

We’ve all felt the weight of shame or embarrassment when discussing intimate health issues. Let’s make a commitment to leave judgement behind and support each other in these conversations with love and understanding.

Myth-buster Icon

Become a Mythbuster

When you encounter misinformation about vaginal health, share our educational resources and use your newfound Vagina wisdom to spark informed discussions.

Share Icon

Share Because You Care

Vagina has entered the chat! Whether you shout it from the rooftops or share quietly in the girl’s group, stay informed, spread the knowledge and be a part of the conversation.

How to get started?

The best way to shine a light on intimate health is by passing on the knowledge to your squad. If discussing it feels a bit awkward, no stress! We’ve got your back with heaps of enlightening content right here plus regular updates on our Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Share it privately or in your trusted circles where you feel safe to start the convo.

Sharing advice on all things vagina related

Are you ready to join the V-Revolution?